Endings and New Beginnings
Christmas is over and the holiday rush is winding down. Today is clean up day, both in my house and in my mind. Having just completed (2) year long courses in Photography and Creativity - the end of December is a natural time for me to evaluate where my creative journey as taken me. For many of us creatives, our “artistic journey” is our “life journey”. They are intertwined because a true creative never stops thinking about it. The “class” may end, but the lessons percolate and the inspirations continue to appear if I am willing to see, hear them and feel them.
Another wonderful benefit to taking creative courses are the teachers & students I have met along the way. I have been so very lucky to follow my intuition and sign up for the classes that are a right “fit” for me at that time. The teachers/facilitators I have been blessed to learn from this year are Laura Valenti in Gathering Light, and Jane Dunnewold in Creative Strength Training. Both of these women, in their own unique ways and styles have managed to make online courses very personal and fulfilling in ways that have allowed me to delve very deeply into my own creative self and grow. This is a true gift, as stagnation is not a friend of the creative mind. I am thankful to have crossed paths with these wonderful women, the generous co-learners I have met, and I am excited to continue exploring my art and my creativity in the coming year.